Wednesday, 21 August 2013

W.i.P. - Waiting

How I wish I were working away on my anniversary quilt. But despite having ordered my batting last Wednesday - I had to wait for my check and it should have arrived on Saturday or yesterday the latest - the parcel hasn't been sent out until today. So, if I'm mega-über-lucky it might arrive tomorrow morning and I could sit down with some quilting and eventually pull an all-nighter. But do I want that rush?

And it might not arrive until early Friday morning - when I've got a breakfast date with a friend planned whilst the husband is away at work. And I certainly don't feel like spending our anniversary with the sewing machine instead of him. Love you, darling machine but there are limits. xo

I'm the tiniest bit annoyed, can you tell? This state has been exacerbated by too much time spent scouring various job databases. Blergh. I've only been at home for a week and a half after my internship and already it feels like it's been half a year. Big dislike.

Well, at least I can report a finish. The Fish & HSTs baby quilt has been finished and given to my adorable nephew today. Pictures will follow this weekend.

Finishes - 1
Fish & HSTs baby quilt

Ongoing Projects - 4
Anniversary quilt

square baby quilt
Red Riding - quilting is making progress
cushion cover for the husband

Stalled Projects - 3
Grecian Waters/Emerald HST quilt - finished the top! - stalled until deadline projects have been dealt with
EPP hexies
EPP parallelograms/stars - once more stalled

Planning Stage - 2
Summer dress 2 - Darling Ranges

Happy sewing!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Happy anniversary anyway! Hope you get to finish, but if not, enjoy your time with DH and enjoy the quilt later. =)

  2. I hope you have a most excellent anniversary!

  3. Oh frustrating - hope that the batting arrives soon. I'm sure it'd be okay if it's a day or two late! Have a very happy anniversary! (Is it just me or has that come around very fast?!)


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