Wednesday, 18 July 2012

W.i.P. - My Hen Night Dress (3)

Just a real quick post with pics of a few current projects today. Excuse the lameness, fingers crossed my Viking fabric arrives soon for another baby quilt. And there's still the potential of fabulous snaps of a dress in the near future. Maybe not only the snaps but the dress itself will be fabulous?

Here we go, more fabric for hexies.

And more hexies pre-assembled for train rides.

Tadaa, second toile cut with manipulated pattern pieces. I'm looking forward to assembling this on Saturday. Hopefully it'll fit just fine so I can progress onto the 'real' fabric.

Once more linking up with W.i.P Wednesday at Freshly Pieced, so here are my stats.

Stats for the Week

Finished Projects - 1
Zippered Hexie Pouch

Ongoing Projects - 4.5
EPP hexies - 11 finished flowers and tons basted hexies
Polaroid blocks - still need to make a tote!
Hen Night dress - 2nd toile cut
EPP parallelograms/stars
Kirby pillow

Planning Stage - 7
Wedding Anniversary quilt
Wedding clutch
ET Phone Home EPP project
Moe Moe's Star quilt
Repurpose last year's scalloped skirt dress to a skirt
Chair cushions for my sister
Viking Baby quilt

Hmm, I really need to get some from the planning stage moved to ongoing - the clutch especially! And I must do the math for the chair cushions so fabric can be ordered.

Happy hump day and happy sewing!


  1. The hexies looks promising. How big are you planning to make it? Great idea to quilt EPP on the train. Makes me wish I had planned a long, long train ride his summer :)

  2. I love those hexies! They always look so cool in both front and back views! Good luck with your dress! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday!


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