Thursday, 21 June 2012

Triangle Time

I simply had to sew today and it felt so good! Remember these?

I basted them a while ago but couldn't decide just how to quilt them. Well, I finally went with my idea of highlighting the triangle shape of the darker shades and I'm so glad I did. Below is a shot of the back with the millions of knots I'll have to bury. Okay, not millions, but 56 of them nevertheless. TV time, methinks.

I started with lines that are 1cm/less than 1/4 inch away from the seams but added another line to the yellow triangles, either within (diagonal from top left to bottom right) or outside of the first line (bottom left and top right triangle). I really love the look and the tactile effect on the right side. As soon as these beauties are finished you'll get a better look of them. Promised.

After that I decided that my brown sunflower pillow..

..just wasn't quite finished yet. It was in dire need of more interest. No picture of what I did just yet, such a tease, but I'm tremendously happy to have returned to it with a simple idea and how it's turned out. I'm very much looking forward to show you all of them this weekend - yes, that's right, I'm set to finish them. Finally.

Happy sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Deine Dreiecke sehen wirklich sehr exakt aus, und Sonnenblumen mochte ich schon immer!
    Wegen der Fäden: Tasia von sewaholic hatte mal vorgeschlagen, beim "Rückwärtsgang" mit Stichlänge "0" Fäden zu vernähen. Da ging es zwar um Bekleidung und schwierige Stoffe, aber das müsste doch auch beim Quilten funktionieren, oder?


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